"Desert Rose" Mandala

In Stock
$23.20 USD
$29.00 USD
Natural Wood
  • Natural Wood
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The "Desert Rose" mandala has a delicate ethnic design. The Mandala design is based on religious sacred geometry patterns and symbols. Its round shape and its flower pattern will bring a little Zen to your living room, dining room, bedroom, yoga studio or home practice space.

The impressive art Mandala wall hanging is made of a laser cut 0.23" thick piece of Poplar wood, hand painted with acrylic and oil paints, protected with a layer of transparent varnish.

Step back and see how a once bare wall turns your room into a styled living space.
A great gift for your yogi friends!

• One "Desert Rose" wood Mandala.

• 1 Natural Wood - Natural

• Poplar wood
• Acrylic and oil paints

• Dimensions: 30 cm
• Thickness:  6mm

Please note: this wall decor is created using natural wood. Therefore, the wood grains and color can slightly vary from one piece to another, making each piece one of a kind.

Packing: Our artwork is expertly packaged with palette grade cardboard and nano gel. The packages are beautiful and can be sent directly as gifts. 

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